ATTENTION FUTURE DRIVERS! All 50 states in the United States set minimum requirements for you to get a driver's license. This includes a requirement that new driver's pass a road test under the supervision of an examiner. These road tests will determine your driving skills such as parallel parking, safe lane changes & defensive driving techniques such as yielding at intersections. Candidates for a road test must have already acquired a "learner's permit" and some states require the completion of a driver's safety course. Read the free tips & guide below to learn how to pass your road test.

How to Reverse Park In A Parking Lot

This article is designed to shows the user know, how to park backwards in a parking lot. Knowing your degrees is a big help when parking. Back a car into a parking spot by pulling up past the space, checking the mirrors to make sure no one is approaching from behind, turning the wheel towards the parking space and straightening out the car before rolling back into place. Park in a spot facing outward, making sure not to hit surrounding vehicles, with instructions from a professional driving instructor in this free video on driving.


1. First, before you start your car,use this step thinking method with the parallel parking also. You must know the advantages of the back 2 wheels of your car. This will help a lot and save you a lot of stress. if your you are a pro at knowing your exact degrees and know What an L looks like.

2. Drive your car around, find a Parking lot place. For less experience users, use cones instead, because you do not want to hits cars next to when closing in.

3. When you approach a parking lot, You should go slowly to select your blind spot. Always turn on your signal to warn others cars that you are taking that blind spot.

4. When you come across, there are two cars, and in between them, is your blind spot. We will call both cars number 1 and number 2 to make this article more realistic.

5. Slowly past car number 1, then your blind spot then stop your car, at car number 2. Make sure your car's end meets the face or end of car number 2. this will make the letter L.(make sure you are not too close to both cars)

6. Set your car on reverse mode. Move two inches and stop. This will break the letter L. Next you must make a full 90 degrees. Do not back up while you are doing the 90 degrees. Always look at your side mirrors to see what you are doing. You must also watch out for other cars already parked, in front of you when parking.

7. When you are finished with the 90 degree. Look at your mirrors to see if you are too close, to one of the cars. If you are too close, simply put your car on drive mode. Shift and move up a couple inches more. You must also watch out for other cars already parked, in front of you, when parking. Then set it back on reverse mode to finish it off.

8. When getting out of a parking. Always turn on your signal to warn others cars that you are getting out.

Tips & Warnings
- The 90 degree method is a big help for make users.
- Always use your signals
- Watch for cars
- Go slowly
- The driving test is timed

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